Saturday, March 20, 2010

Young Children's Spring Concert at the Choir School

If ever there was something to give you hope for the future, cheer you up, or cause you to smile, the Spring Concert featuring grades Pre-K through three of the Choir School was that event. Taking place today in Erbin Hall at 4:30 pm, over one-hundred youngsters took part in an energetic, well-choreographed presentation of singing, dancing, choral reading and drama. I only wish that we had more photographs!

The Kindergarten, always a stiff competitor when it comes to performances, stunned the audience with dancing girls and...

...just where did Ms. Kmetzsch get those hats for the boys! The Kindergarten was a knock out.

Pre-K performed The cuckoo and the donkey, scoring high marks for their simulated cuckoo and donkey sounds.

Because of a poorly prepared cameraman I did not get pictures of the third grade and their tale of Western expansion with Sweet Betsy from Pike. It brought the house down. Also performing well were the third grade violinists and several soloists.

Second Grade wowed the audience with an opening dance piece sung to Hava Nagila which they performed with dizzying precision.

Their violin performance, led by string instructor Ginger Christiansen was also well received.

The first grade class presented a series of activities on the meaning of friendship, including individual contributions by each student in the class from memory.

It was a great afternoon at the Choir School. Special thanks to each of the faculty members involved - Michelle Pringle, Jamie Kmetzsch, Megan McGill, Sara Lemcke and Megan Peterson - and to the music staff who coordinated the performance - Choir School Director of Music Melanie Malnka, Julie Maughan and Ginger Christiansen. Additionally, art projects produced under the direction of Ms. Erin Mattes were displayed throughout the school.

The annual event also directs a contribution to our sister school in Tanzania, the Moshi Airport Catholic School.

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