Saturday, December 23, 2006

New Uniforms at the Choir School

On a recent visit to Ravenna, my good friend Paolo, who teaches Art History at the Milan Fashion Institute, sent these photographs of potential new uniforms. Remember, Paolo is the the infamous progenitor of the term 'fashion victim.' What do you think? Could these items of apparel have been influenced by Justinian's exotic and powerful wife? Do you think they exhibit any Ostrogothic tendencies? Should we petition Mr. Hambleton for a change?


marennn said...

I think that the uniforms are nice but what about for the boys?!?!?!


Chris H. said...

Good Lord!

-Chris H.

Anonymous said...

Aslong as there is no knee highs involved i'm in!!!


Head Crab Ned said...
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marennn said...

They are kind of bright colors don't you think?

Head Crab Ned said...

Yellow and black kind of make people look like wasps. There are also no pants in the window.

Riley6 said...

omg i want those uniforms
lucy (not sara)

marennn said...

I agree with Ned. Yellow and black would look kind of uh... funky beneath our blue(black) robes...

Spencer said...

Sweeet!!! If its a kilt I'm in.

marennn said...

I think Spencer would be the only one happy to wear a kilt!

Erin!! said...

ahh those r so cute! too bad im graduating

marennn said...

:'( Poor erin...

Ryan said...

Umm... no comment. They're cool for the girls but i agree w/ maren and many others. what about the boys uniform mr. glenn? although i'm graduating this year *sob*, i'm in.

marennn said...

Ahhhh... poor ryan too... maybe the boys' uniforms should stay the same *laughs cruelly*

$miles$ said...

chill! i wanna meet this pauolo guy...he knows what he is doing:)

internet said...

Nice uniforms, what are the boys supposed to wear

Horse Girl said...

well, they would look good for our next choir tour to scotland!


Matt said...

Why not save money by changing the uniforms so everyone wears a "kilt?"

marennn said...

how is everyone wearing a kilt going to save the school money matt?

Anonymous said...

sweet new uniforms... but how come you didn't get any new ones for the eighth graders before they graduated...

marennn said...

hey look its nero! now dont go burning down any more monasteries nero...

internet said...

i agree with Lauren

Horse Girl said...

who is eagle?

Matthew Yost said...

Wow. If those are uniforms, we should get choir robes to match. Couldn't you (all) just see Brandon 'prancing' down the aisle in one of those?

Grace said...

No, i can't picture that. now all we need to do is wear intenas:)

I Have Too Many Names said...

Good job Mr. Glenn I'm glad you had your fun scaring the little children.

marennn said...

haha ya and now you need to get lauren a big sunflower hat and we can have the bright yellow jumpers

Matthew Yost said...

"Milan Fasion Institute," eh?
No, I think that if any change is needed we should switch to lederhosen, shoes with buckles and cool hats and then go yodeling in the Uintas. Just a thought from the oposite side of the spectrum.


P.S. For anyone with a lacking sense of sarcasm, please note that I am only joking and would probably never wear lederhosen.