Saturday, December 23, 2006

Who is this remarkable leader during the so-called Dark Ages?

Many of us are aware of the great Italian Renaissance which closes the Medieval Period. But what about this other Renaissance during the darker days of Europe's history? What is this incredible happening of the late eight/early ninth century?


$miles$ said...

is this gregory the great? if not, could you tell me more cuz im curious! u can email me at if you feel abliged to educate me in the matter thanks!

lizzie said...

Charlemagne!! i think not sure guessing

I Have Too Many Names said...

*shrugs* Got me

Matthew Yost said...

I'd guess with Lizzie and say Charlemagne. I don't think it's Greg. the Great because he was earlier and had less hair (in about half the pictures I found).
Yep, I'd say Charlemagne.