Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Allegory of the Cave is coming...

Dear Students,

I will get the homework post up later this evening or tomorrow morning. What is one of Plato's most important writings? What is the first question this work addresses? And what would you say if someone described it as a treatise?

Stay Tuned!


MCS said...

the cave is SO confusing!!!! the perfect world of perfect chairness!!! i think we should have no seating assignments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheese!!!!!!! how art thou mr glenn and all yall peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!(and im the 1st on the blog!!yay!!!

Gertrude McSnob said...



Matthew Yost said...

Seventh... wait: Eighth graders... (it just doesn't have the same ring.)

Gertrude McSnob said...

gertrude mcsnob is an 8th grader now!!! but at the snobby school!!!!!

Matthew Yost said...

Yep, she's still just as annoying as ever.

Gertrude McSnob said...

well, of course you would say that. you're the one I had an argument with that one time.

MCS said...

nice u to

Matthew Yost said...

My greatest accomplishment. I will forever be known as THE ONE who stood up to... her.

Matthew Yost said...

LT- Irony (for all you 9th graders out there)

GRACE said...

heyy its Grace! from 7th grade! wow.....this blog is pretty awesome :P

Matthew Yost said...

Welcome, youngling, to the rest of your life. ( :P )

Unknown said...

AH matthew. still on the old blog I see? great...great. hello everyone. and mr. glenn. (if you read this) the allegory...oooo thats a good one. i cant stop reading it. ha. all of the pre-grads out there. dont forget the republic of plato! i got so much from it in my lit class this year. it helps so much. i even got my grade up because i knew it so well. i learned it all from mr. glenn. i learned the most from his and mrs. may's classes. dont forget them! you might not think that they will benifit you later but they will more than EVER!.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


A.Grace said...

Hello! it's Amazing Grace :)

A.Grace said...

Gen-Gen? is that you? 'cuz the evil laugh is haunting me C=

Matthew, what high school are you going to?

A.Grace said...

Hello? anyone home? Anyone??????

did you know my cat can send emails? last year he sent 170 emails to my old hebrew teacher, pretty cool!

Matthew Yost said...

Just from curiosity, Grace, what kind of things does your cat say? Does it send e-mails in Hebrew? Why haven't I seen this on YouTube?

Irishroomrep said...

Sapere Aude - dare to be wise