Saturday, July 21, 2012

A New Start

Outside of the house that I reside in on the Choir School campus there is a very large and old tree. I have asked many about the species of the tree: every year it produces spectacular blossoms that are very fragrant, and the resultant seed pods are long and slender resembling giant green beans. I'll admit that, every year, I have a small sense of panic as winter concludes that somehow this is the year that the tree will not make it. This small panic is exacerbated by the fact that it is one of the last trees on our campus to show any signs of life at the coming of spring.

Fortunately, as you can see from the photo taken several months ago, the first new buds indicated that tree again survived the ravages of our winter weather, and it is currently in full bloom providing greatly needed shade from the summer heat.

Tomorrow is the Solemnity of St. Mary Magdalene, the day on which we remember our patroness for both the Choir School and Cathedral. Probably no better day to awaken the blog from a period of dormancy, and inaugurate a new title: Vade et Dic, or "Go and tell." These are the words of Jesus of Nazareth to Mary of Magdala when she first encountered him after the resurrection. Mary Magdalene was the first human witness of the Risen Lord, and is traditionally described as "the Apostle to the Apostles" because she was the disciple chosen to bear the first news of Jesus risen from the dead.

It is not without irony that the last previous post announced the departure of Principal Tina McGill. The months that followed demanded extra effort on the part of so many of our staff and parents to ensure a successful transition, and now we are very fortunate to have Mrs. Jill Baillie serving as Principal of the Madeleine Choir School. In recent weeks Mr. Matt Kitterer has joined our team as the Director of Advancement, and so together with so many talented and dedicated members of our staff we are positioned for a great year ahead as we welcome the children back to school on Wednesday August 22nd.

The Choir School is here to serve our community. There is much that remains troubling and vexing about our human communities both on the local and global levels. As a Catholic School we are committed to bringing the best of all human endeavor, inquiry and intelligence to the challenges we face today, preparing our young people to engage the culture and positively impact the communities within which they live. In a particular way, we propose a logic for life taught and lived by Jesus of Nazareth, a logic that can seem counterintuitive and foolish in its pursuit of justice, mercy and peace.

Our learning community at the Choir School is invited to go and tell: to be agents of mercy, compassion, and a greater concern for the common good of all. It is my hope that the blog will serve as means to advance our mission, invite thoughtful reflection, and strengthen our resolve to be a place of hospitality, respect and concern for others.

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