Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Syria is the ancient home of one of the earliest Christian communities. After the death of Jesus, many of his followers moved north because of the persecution that was increasingly difficult in Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul traveled to Damascus and received his early formation as a Christian in the area of Syria. St. Peter is known to have served as the early leader of the church in Antioch. The Church of Antioch was one of the early centers of the Christian faith, even bearing the name of an early approach to understanding the person of Jesus starting with his humanity and moving to his divinity, the so-called Antioch school of Christology. Syria produced the great Deacon Saint Ephrem who was a writer of hymns.

Syria is in crisis. The shocking violence continues and the number of refugees is growing daily. A report from the PBS Newshour provides more information about the current dilemma faced by Christians in Syria, and sheds light on the complexity of this tragic conflict.

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