Monday, September 15, 2008


OK, today was an incredible day here in the northwest, and I did something with my parents that I have not done for over 25 years -- today we went to the Puyallup Fair! Here in Western Washington, this is THE fair to attend, and everyone describes it as "Doing the Puyallup." For those of you unfamiliar with this city, it bears one of the Native American tribe names and it is pronounced "pew - al - up." There is even a song that everyone sings which you can listen to and learn here.

There are so many memories here.. As kids we came to the fair every year and had remarkable fun. What's at the fair?

Well, when you arrive you go immediately to the Scone stand for a hot raspberry scone (or two.)

After this, you plunge immediately into the barns to begin reviewing the animals. They are amazing. Cows, Sheep, Goats...

Big horses - what can one say??


After the animals you head for the carnival. The Puyallup Fair has a very only Wooden Roller Coaster that is still in operation.

When I was nine years old, I went on a special ride called "The Old Mill" which you floated on water through a huge dark complex on a boat with surprises along the way (they used to be called "Tunnels of Love" but that was hardly appropriate in Puyallup!) This old memorable ride burned down in 1970. Aw Shucks!

Not having the stomach or the equilibrium for riding the big coaster, Mr. Glenn prefers to stick to...

Mom, Dad and I had a great day at the Fair!


Anonymous said...

glaad u had fun! but those strawberry things look kinda gross...

jaclyn :) said...

I hope that you are having fun! We all miss you sooo much!! I cant wait till theology with you (not that we dont like Mrs McGill)! See you in November!

Gregory Glenn said...

The Scones are the best!! We'll have to try them in February when I am back at school...

Matthew Yost said...

"EPIC FUN". Sounds good. And the scones look a lot better than what the pigs were having for breakfast. Mr. Glenn, do you mean to tell us that you actually went on a roller coaster? You know this means the bouncy slide at the carnival next year... even if you are in a suit...

Gregory Glenn said...

Matthew: Regarding the pigs – there is a great Mexican saying about justice in the end and certain inevitable events: “¡Cada cerdo tienes su sabado!” (Saturday was the ‘preparation’ day for whoever was going to be on the Sunday dinner table)