Saturday, December 23, 2006

Be the First to Choose Biography Subject!

Choose your Biography subject by commenting today - the first to record an entry is granted the subject of their choice. Only one student per biography subject will be allowed.


Prepare a biographical essay of one of the saints/historic persons from the list. The first person to choose a name will be given that individual - only one student per saint/historic individual. Please be adventurous with your choice! 1,250 words in length. Three Sources in a Bibliography (only one internet source may be listed.)

Outline due 8 January
Rough Draft due 11 January
Final Copy due 18 January

The Essay should:
1) Provide a biographical summary of the life of the individual
2) Highlight the significant contribution he/she made to the church or civilization
3) Express your thoughts about the contribution - was it positive or negative? What can we learn from his/her contribution? How would this contribution impact the church or society today?

Evaluation based on the following:
Content 70%
Correct Spelling 5%
Correct Grammar 5%
Neatness 5%
Use of two similes 10%
Use of one metaphor 5%

Augustine of Hippo
Cyril of Jerusalem
Ephraem of Syria
Gregory of Nanzianzus
Gregory of Nyssa
John Cassian
John Chrysostom
Martin of Tours
Pope Leo the Great
Pope Gregory the Great
Augustine of Canterbury
Alcuin of York
Charles Martel
Pope Nicholas I
Pepin the Short
Michael III
Henry IV
Pope Gregory VII
Catherine of Siena
Thomas Aquinas
Bernard of Clairvaux


marennn said...

I would like to do a biography on Attila!

-Maren E

Emi said...

Emi D. will do Mohammed!

Chris H. said...

There are quite a few Henry IV's. Is this one the king of England?

(I take Henry IV)

-Chris H.

Matthew Yost said...

I, Matthew Yost, would like to take "poor" Arius.


Grace said...

Can I have Francis?

He's mine!

Head Crab Ned said...

Ned gets Charlemagne!

Ryan said...

Ryan Tani has chosen Pope Gregory the Great (Pope Gregory I).

Anonymous said...

Gregory the Great please!

-Kira Hoffelmeyer

I Have Too Many Names said...

I call Justinian.. so yeah take that.

SaRaH PaLmEr said...

I call Pope Gregory Vll!

~Sarah Palmer~

anna said...

I will have Pepin the Short!


Big D (Dion Granger) said...

Me want Constantine if you will.

*Katherine Maus* said...

Katherine Gets Catherine Of Siena!

Ryan said...

i want gregory the great

lizzie said...
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Anonymous said...

I want to do Charles Martel.

I was looking for that other guy, you know, the one that cut off his manhood, because he took the reading too seriously...what's his name again?

lizzie said...

augustine of HIPPO please


lizzie said...

augustine of HIPPO

~Erin McD~ said...

Erin McD~

I call Leo le Great


Erin!! said...

ill take alcuin of york...i love new york!

Joseph G said...

I'll take Clovis (since Attila is gone!

*~Maddie P*~ said...

I choose Thomas Aquinas! Jessica's internet is down, but she chooses Constantine. (:D

Riley6 said...

Augustine of Canterbury please and thank you.

Spencer said...

Dash to Ned!! Justinian is mine!!!

Spencer said...

I would like to do Justinian

molly loveland said...

I would like Martin of Tours.
Please and thank you.


Spencer said...

Darn you guys!! My first three picks taken! I'll do Columbanus.

Anonymous said...

uhhh!!! Ryan no!!! i wanted Gregory the Great!! lol jk! i'l Take Theodora!!!!


Jessicaita said...
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Jessicaita said...

I would like Ambrose... is he taken?

ME *david* said...

curse you lizzie and anna. the voices in my head tell me i will have Henry III

Matty W-dat russian guy said...

Curse u maren. I can't believe u took attila. Did u know he would rip off the limbs of his enemies? OUCH!

but poor matt will pleasums taketh theodosious

Matt W

P.S. to R.J. The mutilated dude is origen

Matty W-dat russian guy said...

Yo-big d-can't believe u took constantine

Chris H. said...

Hey Matt, are you a Communist?

Just wondering.

-Chris H.

Tim D said...

I would like photius

Matty W-dat russian guy2 said...

no. totally not. Russia is not totally communist.
Wasn't henry iv also considered henry the hated, or henry the horrible? just ribbin.
Good day and merry halloween

Matty W-dat russian guy2 said...

david-the voices in your head is me talking to u telepathically

Chris H. said...

I repect Russia. And whatever government that she has installed.

-Chris H.

Tina Woltz said...

Boniface Please!!! thanx

internet said...

i want clare (since erin took alcuin of york u evil erin!!!)

internet said...
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Alli H said...

I would like Clovis, please.
Thank you,
Allison H

$miles$ said...

theodosius! sorry i had to write it down before i forgot the spelling. oy i feel like such a loser im like the last person to pick a biography :( what ever this theodosius guy sounds pretty cool so "theo, i choose you!"

mr. glenn u r the best! except for the whole school teacher part of u...otherwise your golden. *cross fingers* "give me a good grade please*

molly loveland said...


internet said...

hello peoples

Michael Greenberg said...

I'll take Benedict.

~Mike G

Horse Girl said...

hiya all! Lauren will do HELENA!

Maad Markisss said...

I WANT BASIL!!! he sounds cool :) and he has the same name as that guy in goldmember :D im exited. but i would have to ask the creator (glenn) bout him. cuz his name doesnt reveal nething. isnt Basil like a spice or herb or something? anyways its like 10:20 so im proly the last one but thats markus for yah :P.......GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!!........

-Flava Flav

Ryan said...
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Molag Bal (Christian) said...

um ya im gonna bio Ephraem of Syria

Ryan said...

nah. some people haven't even chosen yet. i just feel bad for the people who have to pick a person because it was the last one available and they really don't want the person but have to. sorry peeps who fall into that category

Molag Bal (Christian) said...
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matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

Theodosius is already taken, $mile$, so there. ha ha ha. Don't be lazzzzzzzzy...

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

like ryan said.. sorry for people in that category said.. peeps

Big E-dawg said...

It would be as sweet as pie if i got Attila the hun

marennn said...

correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming that beg e-dawg is elliott and I already have Attila and two other people wanted it too so...

Nightflame said...

columba for claire

Michelle Meyer said...

I would like Jerome!

Ricky Bobby *connor* said...

Just in... Connor's doin' Justinian!!!

Ricky Bobby *connor* said...

Hey guys, you're gunna be mi best friends forever...Shake n' Bake

Ricky Bobby *connor* said...


Rachita said...

I am not a very happy person right now because my fifty first choices were all taken. I guess I will have to settle with Dominic. Am I the last one on?
Asta lavista!

$miles$ said...

ok matty boy, u have fooled me for the last time! haha just kidding were cool sorry about the mix up:) um...i guess ill go with theodoric because the name has the same derivitive...yup so people let me know if theodoric is not cool but for now hes mine!

Horse Girl said...

hi all im really bored for once mrs. may didnt give us TOO much homework...

Maad Markisss said...


-Flava Flav

marennn said...

really? we have two reports from her and we have to read a story from our literature book... and do the questions... and then all the rest of our hw...

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

no kidding... Theology, plus 3 other projects=stressed. Why is it so crammed going into finals? plus, i forgot my notes @school. Google is not helping

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

connor-enough w/ ricky bobby. Shake and bake is sorta funny, but shield volcanoes/care bears is the king of funny...

Head Crab Ned said...

Double poster .\/.

marennn said...

google almost never helps with homework matt...

Horse Girl said...

yeah some of these peeps are hard to find info on

Matthew Yost said...

"some" of these 'peeps'?? If anyone has a person that they can find info. on, I'll trade you!!


matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

tell me why people will pay $470 a share to invest in a search engine that never gets u anywhere... uhh talk about annoying.. ps to matthew yost--go to!!

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

tell me why i should trade for ARIUS?!? ha ha

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

Markus--Flavah Flav nirvana

Matthew Yost said...

Thanks. I've been there, and even though it is like my only source, I still only have like 200 words. or less. Oh well, I'm working on it.

PS Why should you trade for Arius? Because he's so cool! I mean, he's like the tower of heresy: a heresy. That's why you should trade for Arius.

Matthew Yost said...

Wait. "matti of ..." Who are you?

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

hee hee hee.

it is MW

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

i am not swedish!!!! even though of course i am "matti of sveden"

Ricky Bobby *connor* said...

Connor's doing John Cassian

Matthew Yost said...

"MW"... Matt White? I thought you were a communist. A Swedish Commy? Nice. You should post that to the prime minister/president/whatever they have. I bet they'd pick it up.

Swedish communist...


marennn said...

it isnt fair... kira found info on theodora... i dont have like... anything on attila yet... all i know is that he had a brother named Bleda and he died either of a nosebleed or he was a chronic drinker and died of Esophageal Hemorrhoid

Chris H. said...

Henry IV of The Holy Roman Empire sacked Rome, set up a puppet pope, (Clement III), and forced a pope into exile. (Strangely, sort of like Hitler.)

-Chris H.

P.S. Matt White, it's ok that your a Swedish communist. Start by gaining the support of the reindeer herders towards the north of the country, and then slowly creep down and take over the large cities. That's how Lenin and Trotskey did it!

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

first off i am not a commy. second, Maren--go to wikipedia! there is loads of info about attila!!!

marennn said...

I already told you that I have a website! Its the books that concern me...

Matthew Yost said...

Hey Matt...

First of all, don't deny it. You should be proud of your noble quest to spread higher government those without.

Secondly, are you going to use the hammer and sickle or get a new flag? If you don't go for traditional, I suggest at least go for red and yellow colors. They're cool.

Feedback, please.


P.S. Stay Proud.

Matthew Yost said...

I missed a "to." Second line, last word.


Matthew Yost said...

Oh, yeah. Look at me now.


matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

please end this communist stuff. its sorta annoying. My screen name does not imply communism

Chris H. said...

Preaching the good news...

-Chris H.

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

not preaching anything...

Chris H. said...

You know it's true. Don't deny it...


Matthew Yost said...


I wish I could say "welcome to the USSR," but you might take that as an insult. Please know that we hold you in the highest respect and thought we were complementing you by bestowing upon you such a great and noble title.


Maybe we should let off of the communist stuff...

I bet his picture is a baby picture of Karl Marx...

To both of you, (and anyone who is, I am sure, reading this, seing as it is posted on a public site)

Farewell. (for now)

matti of sveden dat funny guy said...

I will help you with your crusade of mecca...

Chris H. said...

Yes Matt. You will help us in our crusader. Thank you. You are no longer a communist, but a knight of Christ. Thank you for your commitment.


Matthew Yost said...

No, no, no, Chris,

He means our jihad defending Mecca.
Welcome, Matt.


Chris H. said...

Oh no. He said crusade. he does not mean to join in your Jihad. we shall reign victorious, and besides, Mecca is no longer the objective. Jerusalem, is our next target...

Welsome Matt.


Matthew Yost said...

You'll probably end up in Constantinople.

Matt, what do you mean?

Chris H. said...

You're probably right, but just to try, I'll send some cartographers along to make sure it goes smoothly.


P.S. You must choose Matt!

Matthew Yost said...

have your cartographers signed the magna CARTa?!
Sorry, I'm tired. I would say 'good luck', but that just wouldn't do.


Chris H. said...

At least we had a Magna Carta! You, however, had nothing of the sort. The Jihad will be Innefective, and Jerusalem shall be captured. (A children's crusade if necessary.)


Matthew Yost said...
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Matthew Yost said...

Sorry. That was kinda random.

Chris H. said...
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Matthew Yost said...

Well, I guess I'll have to change my tactics... You'll see...

Matthew Yost said...

Furthermore, I think this string of comments might be considered offensive. Therefore, with the general pubic in mind, it should leave.

Yeah, strange things go on in my mind at 10:30 PM (just like on tv.)


marennn said...

wow you two are really random... and obsessed

Sarah said...

Yeah 7th and 8th Grade Girls kicked butt in Basketball today! We killed the Greeks! Go Crusaders!

marennn said...

yeah but we never did shout for the filioque!:(so sad... lauren kept trying:P oh well

Matthew Yost said...

Poor Greeks. First the Romans and the Persians, then the Crusaders. What next, the Lombards?

Matthew Yost said...

Also, I suggest a word change around the end of the 1st line.