Friday, January 5, 2007

What did the German philosopher Nietzsche believe these two represent?


$miles$ said...

Oh! i kno!
these two images represent the two gods that that one german philosiphizers example of the contrast between the romantic and classical music periods. the one on the left is obviously Apollo, the (g)od of light and measure (or the classical spirit: order, poise and serenety.)and the one on the right is the (g)od Dionysius, the god of intoxication and passion (like the romantic period which has a sense of strangeness, wonder and exctacy)as written in our notes on January 4th.
does that make sense? i hope i was clear!:) thats my view

Maad Markisss said...

youve done it again watson!(or miles) job well done!

marennn said...
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Gregory Glenn said...

Miles - you've got it! I know.. a little obvious.. next time I'll throw a bigger challenge...thanks for participating

Horse Girl said...


the_mad_madster_fox said...

Hey every1 im just sayin hi so.... HI!!

Horse Girl said...

me too.... HI!